Terms & Conditions
I understand that the study of Karate, Fitness Kickboxing, Self Defense, Ju Jitsu and other martial arts requires physical contact in many contexts including, but not limited to, sparring, hand-to-hand combat and self-defense techniques and also acknowledge that injury is an inherent potential result of any such activity. I also represent that I am medically and physically able to participate in the exercises and physical demands of the discipline. I also agree that any injuries or limitations will be made known immediately. I also understand that there is no guarantee for my personal safety after the completion of this course. In view of the foregoing and as a term and condition of being a student of Martial Arts America, I, with the intention of binding myself, my spouse, heirs, legal representatives, and assigns, expressly release and discharge Martial Arts America, Matt Dorsey, Jacqueline Dorsey, Kelly Williams, their heirs and legal representatives from all claims, demands, actions, judgements and executions that I ever had, or now have or may have or that anyone claiming through him may have or claim to have, against Martial Arts America and Matt Dorsey, Jacqueline Dorsey, Kelly Williams, or their heirs or legal representatives created by or arising out of any and all class activity regardless of where held or when held. I also understand and agree that I will not teach a Karate or Kickboxing class of any kind within five (5) miles of a Martial Arts America School. In witness whereof, I execute this release on this day and year written below.
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