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Thank you for your interest in the 5 Class + 5 Private Lessons Pass

Sign Up and Pay for your Pass Here



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Purchase Items
Please choose purchase items:
 x 5 Class + 5 Private Lessons Pass (475.00)
Coupons and Gift Cards
If you have a Coupon Code, please enter it below:

Apply a Gift Card:

Amount to Apply:  

Payment Information

* - Required field


Terms & Conditions

Age 17 and under must must be accompanied by a parent or their legal guardian on their first visit to complete the participation waiver. Classes remaining on an expired pass do not carry forward to a new pass. Passes may be renewed for additional classes. The 5 Class Pass option is not a membership. Member privileges such as rank advancement, discounts on seminars, free participation in member seminars do not apply. Member special events count as a class against your pass.

You must read the terms of service in order to check out.

: $0.00
: $0.00
: $0.00
: $0.00
: $0.00
Label $0.00
Tax: $0.00
Order Total: $0.00

Thank you.

Thank you for purchasing a 5 Class + 5 Private Trainings Pass.

Please let us know if you have any questions.


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